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Category Archives: Codetry

Code, Poetry, Trying Code, Codetry!

Dublin Bus route statuses

I’ve thrown together a little hack that gives current Dublin Bus route status information in JSON format. Endpoint: Simply calling the endpoint will return a JSON object of all bus routes and their associated statuses. Append ?route=x to the endpoint and you’ll get just the results for the route specified (or what it thinks […]

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Links for Friday, 3rd December 2010

Paul Conroy has written a little bookmarlet to add imgur previews to the Twitter web interface, and has a detailed explanation of how he’s done it. The Algorithm + the Crowd is not enough. I have a response post gestating. Defecting by Accident, A Flaw Common to Analytical People. This is “How to Win Friends […]

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Extracting information from a lot of images on disk using find

If you need to extract information from a large number of images on disk (and you’re using a *nix system), you could do worse than using find with Imagemagick’s command line tools. If you’re unfamiliar with find, I’d recommend reading the beginners guide on It has terse and initially daunting syntax, but is one […]

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Base-56 Integer Encoding in PHP

I found myself needing to write a URL-shortening system recently, nothing particularly fancy, just something that would result in URLs similar to those of tinyURL and PHP’s own base64 function is purely for encoding string data to make it “URL safe” and actually results in a longer string. PHP also has a base_convert function, […]

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DeveLinks – 17-04-2009

Little bit weak on the links today, but here we go: Prezi – Throw out Powerpoint, this is how your presentations should look How Not To Redesign a Political Website – blog post from Steph highlighting just how similar the new FG site is to the BBC site. Talk about caught with your pants down. […]

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